Scooter McClusky Jr.

Played by Angus MacDonald

Scooter is a reenactor who will react any historical event as long as it’s something that actually happened. He comes from a long line of reenactors starting with his father. He also has some cousins who do pre-enactment but that’s not for him. He strives for the utmost historical accuracy in his work, attempting whenever possible to hire extras who were actually involved in the original event. Some people accuse him of making people live through their past trauma but he maintains that he just gets really good performances (by making them relive their past trauma). Scooter believes in the circle of life, things happen, then they get reenacted, then they happen again.

His first and greatest reenactment was to perform an almost perfect duplicate of the moment when his second grade teacher Mrs. Cleffield was hit by a car outside the school. During his time in the place where all the doctors are he walked towards the light and saw his entire life flash before his eyes but upon deciding that he wasn’t done on this earth he came back and ever since has been reenacting the life he saw in his visions.


18. Get your nipples and go!